Please join us for worship this weekend, where Pastor Gregg Bowen will share the message “CONQUERING WHAT HE MUST ENDURE” based on Luke 22:42.
The Reverend Joseph S. Glombicki was installed as the Pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran Church on February 23, 2025.
The officiant of the service was Reverend Dr. Allen R. Buss the President of the Northern Illinois District, LCMS.
Learn more about Pastor Glombicki
Lenten Sermon
Series “The Hand of the Lord”
This year’s Lenten season Wednesday services will unpack how God works in our lives with the series titled “The Hand of the Lord.” Hands are mentioned all over the Bible as God’s Word speaks to us in ways that we can understand. The Lord’s hand is active in creation, power, control over happenings of the world, judgment, and salvation. In the New Testament the hand of the Lord takes on literal meaning. The One through whom all things were created took on real, literal hands in His incarnation. Scripture speaks of the way that Christ used His hands to bring forgiveness, life, and salvation. Jesus used His hands to save drowning Peter, to feed the multitudes, to touch those who were unclean, to stop a funeral procession in its tracks, to lift up Jairus’s daughter, and to bless the children. Jesus has accomplished all that we need for this life and life eternal. He takes our manipulative, distorted, self-serving hands and restores them into useful hands for His purposes to make our whole lives His instruments of witness, service, and praise. Gather on Wednesdays as we unpack how the hand of the Lord works in your life.
Ash Wednesday
Join together on Ash Wednesday, March 5th at 11am or 7pm to begin the Lenten season of reflection, spiritual growth, and renewal as we focus on the sacrifice of Jesus in preparation for the joy of Easter. Pastor Joe Glombicki will give the message “The Hand of the Lord Who Freely Gives.” Ashes will be imposed and Holy Communion celebrated.
More than a Church
All are welcome to attend the Pilates classes whether a Bethlehem member or not.
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All are also welcome to join the Quilters and Sewers whether a Bethlehem member or not.
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